May 2022

J – Jaguar

5/9/2022 – 5/22/2022 Breadnet Web UI (This controls my desk lights): Summary: More pretty pictures. Fixed up Breadnet and got the core functionality out of it. Struggled with some data type conversions in the programming for the way the ESP32 handles MQTT payloads. Spent a lot of time tweaking things in VSCode until it worked exactly […]

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I – Iguana

4/25/2022 – 5/8/2022 Noise Toaster Demo Video: Summary: Lots of pretty pictures. Last time it was mostly text and a few pictures. This time it’s the opposite. Very productive two weeks. Learned about OOP. Then I repaired the 3D Printer from its continuously broken state long enough to produce some new best prints. Then I used it

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