Author name: fishPointer

BN4 – Breadnet IV

Project Summary (Technical Overview): Breadnet is a local-network IoT server hosted on a Raspberry Pi4. It’s running whatever Raspbian OS is recommended, and hosts a Node-RED and Mosquitto server, and doesn’t do much else. Both Node-RED and the MQTT are insecure, because I can’t be bothered to SSL something that maybe 5 people both know

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O – Otter

O/Hiatus Ending 7/31/2022Up Next – P: 8/1/2022 – 8/14/2022 Summary: Now off Hiatus! I have moved to Washington and set my lab back up. I rebuilt the breadboard for the Mega Lights on a more permanent (and fire safe) protoboard with some screw terminals. I also modified the code so that the desk’s lights can be controlled

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J – Jaguar

5/9/2022 – 5/22/2022 Breadnet Web UI (This controls my desk lights): Summary: More pretty pictures. Fixed up Breadnet and got the core functionality out of it. Struggled with some data type conversions in the programming for the way the ESP32 handles MQTT payloads. Spent a lot of time tweaking things in VSCode until it worked exactly

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I – Iguana

4/25/2022 – 5/8/2022 Noise Toaster Demo Video: Summary: Lots of pretty pictures. Last time it was mostly text and a few pictures. This time it’s the opposite. Very productive two weeks. Learned about OOP. Then I repaired the 3D Printer from its continuously broken state long enough to produce some new best prints. Then I used it

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H – Hyena

4/11/2022 – 4/24/2022 Summary: This round was kind of open-ended. Goal was to finish soldering together all the final switches and knobs for the Synth and get a more reasonable speaker for it. It works great now and isn’t painfully loud. Waiting to demo it until I get the case and front panel set up.

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G – Gorilla

3/28/2022 – 4/10/2022 Mega Lights 2 Finished: Summary: Objective this round was to build a prototype lightsbox, design the housing for the final lightsbox, solder together one of the Synth PCBs and make sure it works, and then work on the housing and front panel for the synth. A couple things pushed me off course. First,

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