Project Concept
- Portable and Integrated Circuit/IoT development kit with installed slave Arduino+ESP combo for testing, as well as Master set for interfacing with breadnet
- Every subsystem within the breadbox can be controlled with both mechanical and electrically activated switches. The system can shut itself off.
- Master ESP and RPi4 for fully interfacing with both other IoT builds and hosting home server, creating control pathway from desktops and websites all the way down to the breadboard level. Anything can control anything.
- Extra internal storage space and rainbow lights for fun and flair
Loose Specifications
- Fit it in a Shoebox
- Set up two sets of Arduino+ESP as a master and slave combo, and get them to talk to eachother
- Interface the Master ESP+Arduino with the GPIO Pins on the RPi4
- Set up a home server on the RPi4
- Get an IoT sample device connected to the slave ESP+Arduino to pass information through the Master ESP+Arduino onto the RPi4 Home Server, and then back down
- Eliminate redundancies and overdependence wherever possible once proof of concept is established

A Box to put your Breadboard in
You have to code the mold yourself

Built in RPi4 Home Server/IDE
Acting as both the central supernode to the breadnet and the main prototyping platform

Tethered Breadboard with DC PSU
Rapid IoT Prototyping is possible when all the tools are self-contained

Full Subsystem Self-Control
Everything can be turned on or off both mechanically or electrically

Central Supernode
A Main hub between iot devices, breadboard, the home server, my computer, and my website
Updates & Documentation
Project Status
- 8/20 - Page Built
- Hardware Complete, Software 5%
- Expected Cost: $0 if you don't value your time!
Other Documents
- Breadnet Terminal (not built)