Lab Logs from 2022

Z – Zebu

2022 Retrospective Summary: I started this year with vague ambitions, vaguer processes, and few skills. I’ve about 10x’d my engineering skills this year. Lots of low hanging fruit collected. I didn’t have a working 3D Printer, I didn’t know how it worked, and I didn’t know how to design things for it. I didn’t know how […]

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Y – Yak

12/5/2022 – 12/18/2022 Summary: Been grinding away at the signs, and also reading AoE where I can. Started annotating chapter 2 and reading chapter 3. Also started breaking down Monty Choy’s question list. It’s actually a really good overview of the entire field.  Every sign has had at least one small design defect somewhere that

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X – Xingtian

11/21/2022 – 12/4/2022 Summary: This sprint was dedicated primarily to getting the Neon Flex Signs off the ground. The Ramona Flowers RGB sign totally destroyed my previous system and I had to improve every aspect of production from modeling through soldering. Now the prints are about 4mm taller and there’s about twice as much area

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W – Walrus

11/7/2022 – 11/20/2022 Summary: Dialed in the neon signs. Started taking orders. Looking into building rockets again. Cleaned up Lab. One year consistent posting as of W. Tidied up the lab and organized some stuff. Really drilled in and got the process for modeling these neon sign channels down. They’re coming out really clean now.

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T – Tiger

9/26/2022 – 10/9/2022 Summary: Still grinding AoE. Bought a dot notebook and sketching project ideas in them as they come to me. Having lots of ideas lately but staying focused on the chapter. I’m wrapping up Chapter 2 on BJTs now. Feeling a lot more confident analyzing these circuits. The book said that Chapters 1-3

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S – Shark

9/12/2022 – 9/25/2022 Summary: Studying Art of Electronics. It is very hard. Once I finish Chapter 2 I’ll do another project, and then hit the book again. I did finish the guitar though. Looks and sounds great now. I’ve been practicing daily for a few weeks now and my fingertips are growing some scar tissue.

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R – Raccoon

8/29/2022 – 9/11/2022  Summary: Startup cancelled. Cringe! The guy trying to fund the idea wrote himself in as CEO and majority shareholder, changed the entire idea (insect protein > microgreens), and then some verbal abuse happened, so I told him to get lost and am back to Lab Classic. If you are someone who looks

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Q – Quetzal

8/15/2022 – 8/28/2022 Summary: My Startup got funded, and I have an NDA to not break, so not much to put on here 🙂 Been grinding through Art of Electronics in my free time, and my whiteboard pictures can’t be that interesting so I’ll just keep this one short. Once there’s something worth sharing coming out

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