D – Dolphin

2/14/2022 – 2/27/2022

Summary: My goal for this two week block was to build out the synth on a breadboard (again) following the KiCAD schematic, to verify that there were no errors or missed connections in the Schematic, that way when I order a board based on that Schematic, the PCB actually works. The Synth is complex and has multiple submodules, which makes it very challenging to build and debug on a breadboard. I lost some productive time in week two because I had to fly to Phoenix over the weekend for a work trip, and then had to play catchup with the remainder of the week. 

The Synth makes all the right noises, but it’s not ready to be recorded yet. I am still making sure everything functions exactly as intended, ESPECIALLY making sure I can tap a line out for the output signal and record it via Audacity by plugging an aux from the breadboard into my computer.

I was able to build out the core of the Synth and verify it works according to the schematic, as well as correct some errors in the Schematic, and I was able to adjust some of the components and the layout of the design to better suit my needs. I moved a few resistors and capacitors around to get better response from the amplifier, and a better frequency range out of the VCO set voltage. I also adjusted the input stage of the ramp’s op-amp threshold set to produce a sharper ramp. It was rewarding modifying the circuit to my needs and seeing good results from following my design intuition.

The PCBs from the 555_Badge project that I used as a KiCAD tutorial arrived on the last day of Sprint D, so assembling them will be for the E block. I’m also going to lose some time on E because I have to go out into the field for the first week of E. We’re also planning a road trip for the end of March, so I’m out and about a lot lately.

I experimented with the Fritzing Breadboard Layout software, so I could come up with a plan on building out the Breadboard for the Synth digitally before physically, but the program was just too cumbersome. It seems like it’s only really good for showing how to wire sensors and such in isolation, and not good for modeling more complex circuits.

I also followed the template from the 555 Badge’s Bill of Materials generation video, and decided to start sketching out the new Mega Lights. I’m replacing the old RGB strips on my desk with some digitally addressable, fancier ones. I’m also planning on doing the installation much more carefully so the quality of work more closely matches the effort I put into the desk. Once they’re installed, I’ll have something to manipulate via MQTT and the smart home/cyborg nest project can start expanding again after the bootcamp. The only problem is that the BOM is like $300 because I need 8m of LEDs.

I’m finding that the Synth project is actually more complex than the Power Supply, but part of the reason I’m doing it first is so that I can cut my teeth and develop finer mastery over the full design process and toolchain. That way when it’s time to work on the Power Supply, I won’t have to learn any new skills. Just figure out how the circuit works, simulate it, build a schematic, build it on a breadboard, verify its performance, route the board, order the board, build the board, and design and print an enclosure for it. The Synth has also been giving me trouble since 2020, so I’m really itching to overcome the challenge it’s presented me for so long. I want to get it into a box and give it some slick knobs and then throw it in my closet forever lol.








        3D Printer


        3D Printer




        Power Supply


        Power Supply




        Power Supply


        Interview Questions




        Interview Questions






        Tutorial Sites


        Tutorial Sites




        FPGA Projects


        FPGA Projects


      Interview Questions

      4 weeks 

      Intel FPGA 

      2 weeks

      FPGA Projects

      4 weeks

      Power Supply

      6 weeks

      3D Printer

      4 weeks





      Art of Electronics


  Next Steps

    Synth Breadboard Layout

      Set up Fritzing

        Fritzing is Open Source, but they ask for a donation and don’t take no for an answer

        This means you have to download it on github and build it yourself

        But to build it you need Qt installed

        What the hell is Qt?

        Seems to be a C++ based GUI/App development platform. They have an enterprise license but are still open source. Their stuff looks pretty slick

        Finished installing Qt. Having trouble building the App according to the github’s instructions.

        I think I don’t have g++?

        Picking this up tomorrow



        Had some free time since work was slow. Got super mad trying to figure out how to build this thing. I stopped caring and just paid the $8 euros or whatever for the windows installer.

        They totally got me lol

      After building out the entire VCO and AA circuits on the main breadboard, and neither of them working, I modified the AA until it worked and then rebuilt the VCO circuit on a different breadboard entirely.

      I’m using jumpers now because the solid core cables are just too much hassle to deal with and I’d rather deal with signal interference than have to spend 2 hours every day hurting my fingers against a stiff breadboard slot clip

      After I got the AA working, an interesting thing happened. When adjusting the pot with a screwdriver that controls the input signal’s volume, the metal of the screwdriver made contact with the body of the pot and then the screwdriver acted as an antenna, and managed to pick up some rock music.

      I’ve read before that you can accidentally made an AM radio playing with op-amps, so I’m guessing I did that, or something similar. The noise was much louder when I was also touching the antenna with my finger. I’m not sure why. It’s pretty cool though. Easily avoided.

      After rebuilding the VCO on the smaller breadboard I was able to get the ramp wave out of it, but I noticed that the frequency was way too high, even at the bottom of the range. I figured I might be able to adjust the feedback op-amps set voltage, so I used a pot and swung it around 5.8V. This caused some clipping on the top of the ramp wave, so I tuned both the input voltage and the feedback set voltage until I could get a properly sharp ramp wave across the full range

      After I got that, I took some measurements, and came up with some resistor divider values that will allow that to hold without a pot, and that worked fine.

      As for the frequency of the ramp wave being way too high, I figured that it could be adjusted by changing the flat mod depth resistor after the input voltage pot, and I was right.

      By increasing that resistor, I lowered the current heading towards the op-amp input, and that managed to increase the frequency. So I started lowering it until it got to a point where the ramp wave could collapse. The most stable value I found was 47k, and that allows me to produce sub-kHz frequencies.

      After I was satisfied with the voltage adjust/frequency adjust for the VCO, I started tying in the LFO and AREG signals, which worked as intended. Just fine actually. When I first built this thing, each knob on each pot was a mystery, but now I have a deeper understanding of what turning that knob is actually doing to specific voltages and currents inside the circuit, and so the whole thing is a lot more intuitive.

      There’s still some interference and feedback and static. I’m hoping these go away once I get the thing onto a PCB and there aren’t as many wires running over eachother.

      I don’t have as many pictures for this breadboard layout yet, but I will probably take a lot of the waveforms at the end once it’s working

      All that’s left at this point is building the Square wave section of the VCO, and then the VCF, which is technically the biggest subcircuit. 

      Following what I’ve learned from the VCO, I’m going to build the VCF on a separate breadboard as well. I’m hoping this goes as smoothly as the VCO.

      Once I have everything Functional on a small network of deeply interconnected breadboards, I plan on extracting each pot from its location, placing it onto a blank breadboard, and using that as a mock front panel before routing and ordering the boards.

      It’s also important that I compile all the slight changes to the circuit, as well as the slight errors I’ve found in the schematic. Many resistor values have been changed in the breadboard prototype simply because I don’t have those values and am not going to waste 4 resistors building them. I’ve found some missed connections on the KiCAD schematic as well. Which is good, because that means building the breadboard synth for the THIRD TIME wasn’t a waste of time.

      I’m hoping to have this whole thing buttoned up inside a nice box in the next 2-3 months and then I can finally put this Synth to rest. The first time I tried to build it in Nov 2020, I had no idea what I was looking at. Sometimes I wish it didn’t take this long or I never tried lol. But, perseverance and time make the magic happen

    Synth PCB Layout

      Building Schematic in KiCAD

      Spent today’s lab session building out the LFO and AREG on breadboard, both work fine.

      Next is the VCO, which I’ll set up with just the voltage control first to verify, now that I know how it’s supposed to work. Once I’ve confirmed that it works, I’ll tap in the LFO and AREG signals and test the combination

      Found some bugs in the KiCAD Schematic as well

      I should come up with a functionality checklist for the breadboard Synth

      One of the most important features that I want to ensure works on the finished product is the line out feature. I need to make sure the finished circuit can actually tap out into an aux jack and go into a computer and get recorded via Audacity. That means the synth can actually connect to a digital system and get sampled, which is important to me.

      I’m hoping to be able to distribute a few copies of the finished synth once the whole thing is completed. I’m guessing that, if I want to make that the distribution present for christmastime this year, I’m going to have to do 2-3 revisions of the PCB to add features and package it properly.

      One thing I’m not quite prepared for is the casing. It’s easy enough to make a housing for a PCB, but since I have to make a front panel for the whole thing, I’m not sure if 3D Printing will be appropriate. The dimensions will be fine and the pots can be rigidly mounted, but I don’t know how to mask a UI onto the front panel of a 3D printed plane like that. I’m sure there are answers online

      Further, for power supply, I started thinking about using a rechargable LiPo cell. But I’m pretty sure those are almost all 4.5V or below, which means I would have to use a Boost Converter which might affect audio quality with spiking in the power supply. On top of that, the current draw would be higher than normal. I’m guessing the synth is pretty low power. I think it only draws 15-20mA when it’s working, but that speaks nothing of the audio amplification, which could go up to a 1/4W.

        .25W / 9V = 27 mA

        20 mA + 27mA = 47 mA ~= 50mA

        9.6V LiPo cell 2000mAh: 40 hours of synth time

      That’s wrong. A quick sim shows the peak current going through the speaker will be 780mA 2pk. So the amplitude is about 390. The RMS current is 0.7071*390=275mA

        275+20 = 300mA

        300mA on a 9.6V LiPo cell 2000mAh: 6 hours

      I could design it with both a barrel jack for 9V AND a 9V Battery slot, but I don’t think that’s worthwhile just yet. It’s probably cheaper than adding a rechargable cell to each instance, so I may get there in the future, but for now I’m going to just assume it’s plugged into the wall.

      I’m thinking it might be worthwhile to make a mockup of the front panel now, before I order a PCB, so that I can ensure that everything will actually work as intended. It’s one thing to experience a bunch of boardboard switches and pots as functional. It’s another to make a tangible UI to the project that can be adjusted more intuitively.

        Design a sheet of PLA with holes in it for the pots

        Design some handles for the tiny pots? or just use screwdrivers for this

        Design holes for the switches as well

        Mask it with a sheet of paper for labeling, or use the label maker

        Mount everything into the PLA Panel, solder wires that can connect back to the breadboard

        Follow the advice of the book on signal interference

        I could also just get a second breadboard and jump everything over to the original breadboard, and have only UI front panel components on the second breadboard. That would be just as good with significantly less intermediate design work. It won’t change the fact I’ll have to design a front panel sooner or later though.

      For the breadboard as I left it, I have the LFO and the AREG working. Next is to make an unmodulated VCO circuit, which will take a while. Then the AA, to verify that the VCO can produce an audible waveform. From there, I’ll have a basic functionality that I can then tie in the AREG and LFO to, to ensure that all the features work

      Once I have completed the checklist via the breadboard, then I can move onto designing a front panel mockup. Once the breadboard synth and the front panel mockup are satisfactory, I can move onto designing the PCB in earnest, with the confidence that I have a fully functional prototype. That will be the more fun part for sure.

      I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the synth is probably a more complex project than the power supply I’m using it to prepare for. But that’s fine. This is worthwhile engineering work for me. I’m going to beat this Synth and not let it frustrate and overwhelm me. And then I’ll get to share that victory with others

      Notes on Schematic Changes from Breadboard Tweaking

        Resistor on Exp.Wave output on LFO changed from 75k to 20k

        Changed Flat Mod Resistor on Voltage input to VCO (VCO Freq) from 75k to 47k

        Connected JFET properly on AREG (not connected on schematic)

        Skipped Sync Effect on LFO. Still needs to be tested. Currently using a simple voltage divider at a tuned voltage of 5.85V, with a source voltage of 9.15V

        Put Coupling Capacitor on AA ahead of the pot

        On AA, LM386 Pin 2 and 4 are not connected to ground in schematic

    Synth Schematic Performance Checklist


        Maintains a virtual ground of 50% dV


        Produces Attack-Release Envelope

        Repeat/Manual function


        Adjustable Low Frequency

        Produces Square Wave

        Produces Smooth Wave

        Produces Spike Wave

        All output waves selectable to LFO node


        Voltage Controlled Frequency of Ramp Wave

        Ramp Wave converts to Square Wave

        Modulation by AREG

        Modulation by LFO

        Sync Effect Functional


        VCA amplifies output signal according to AREG signal

        VCA Bypass switch functional


        White Noise is audible when fed directly to output

        White noise has an audible effect when mixed in


        AA Can properly drive the speaker 

        AA has meaningful volume adjust

        AA can run for extended duration without overheating or damaging anything

        AA can effectively line-out to an external speaker

        AA can effectively line-out to an external computer and be sampled via audacity without incident

    Power Supply Design Videos

    Power Supply LTSpice Simulation

    Power Supply PCB Layout

    Power Supply BOM

    Synth BOM

  Fritzing Tutorial


    Hold Shift while placing wires to get them to snap to axes

    double click or click and drag wires at any point to create a bend

    Check View > Align to Grid. That feature is cringe and makes it hard to line up components

    You can copy paste component selections

    You can move selected components with the Arrow Keys

    Import new Models


      FZPZ file type


      Click and Hold on a Node to highlight all connected nodes in yellow.

      Good Sanity Check Tool.

      Also, just started imagining electrons flowing from ground for the first time…

      When you make changes to the breadboard, you automatically make changes to the schematic and the pcb as well.

      I’m guessing once you finish one all pretty it’s in your best interest to make sure the other ones are pretty as well…


      After some basic construction, I’ve decided that Fritzing isn’t going to be as useful as I was hoping towards laying out a model for the Synth. There’s too much part graphic overlap to get a clear picture. I’m just going to build the breadboard based on the Schematic

  Power Supply Design Project


    LTSpice Tutorials, LTSpice Modeling Projects


    KiCAD Tutorials, KiCAD Modeling Projects, LTSpice Modeling Projects


    Finish KiCAD Tutorials, Order 555 Badge PCB, Watch Power Supply Design Series, Model along in LTSpice, Peripheral Research. Lay out board for Synth


    Watch Power Supply Design Series, Finish LTSpice Model, Build KiCAD Schematic, Lay out Board, Order PCB, Peripheral Research. Lay out board for Synth, Order PCB


    Waiting for parts and PCBs to ship. Interview Questions.


    Waiting for parts and PCBs to ship. Interview Questions.


    Assembling and Soldering PCBs. Designing and Printing Housings in FreeCAD. Interview Questions


    Assembling and Soldering PCBs. Designing and Printing Housings in FreeCAD, polishing projects, documentation. Interview Questions

  Resources List

    Monty Choy Hardware Interview Questions


    Digital Design HQ Discord #Resource Dump


    EEVBlog Power Supply Design Series


    Intel FPGA Technical Trainings


    Digikey intro to RTOS


    Digikey intro to FPGA


    Digikey intro to KiCad


        EP 7 – Board Layout


          Time to lay out the board. Want to finish this and order by Wednesday at the latest so I can start moving onto the Power Supply Design Videos

          Once the board is laid out and ordered, I also need to arrange a BOM and order from Digikey for that. I already have all the components necessary to populate this board, but I want to follow thr process through completion including component stocking and I consider that worth the $20 or whatever it’s going to cost to buy a 555 and some basic components.


          It’s a good idea to periodically run the DRC (ladybug icon) while laying out the board. Run it before you start as well.

          Found an issue with the first DRC run. The pads of the transistor Q1 were too close together and violated the 10 mils clearance demanded in the global design rules.

          I wanted to get rid of this, so I checked the Osh Park KiCAD design rules page online and it says the minimum clearance is 6 mils, so I lowered it from 10 to 6 and reran the DRC and now it’s passing.




            Select Route tool


            Click a pad

            Start moving mouse to lay out a trace

            Click to lay down a bend midway

            Mouse over the terminal pad

            Double click to finish the trace

            press escape to cancel the trace



          No real correct order to make the traces but, some general rules

            Make Power Traces first

            Then Make close connections

            Then work on complicated routing

            Power Traces need to be thicker than signal traces because they’re thicker

          Trace Width Calculation

            If you know how much current a power trace is expected to conduct, then you should use a trace width calculator to determine the appropriate width of the trace, based on the specs of your board

            Advanced Circuits’ Trace Width Calculator


            From the LTSpice Simulation, I know the peak current draw of the battery, and the peak current draw of the LEDs.

            The Video shows a 20 mA spike, but my simulation, which is identical as far as I can tell, only shows 12 mA. Using the 20mA number for padding.

            When doing Trace Width Calculation, pay attention to the thickness of the copper in the calculation. Most boards are 1oz Copper unless you want to pay extra for 2oz Copper.

            The calculator will yield two sets of results for traces on internal layers of copper, and for those on the outside. It looks like the layers on the inside need to be thicker. I’m not sure why


            The minimum trace width is .05 mil. Since the default trace width I’m working with on this board is 10 mil, there’s nothing to worry about. Trace width doesn’t become a serious concern at 10 mil until a few hundred milliamps. 

          Setting up multiple Track Widths

            For complicated projects, you can create Net Classes with different parameters, hole sizes, clearances, track widths etc. And then assign those Net Classes to different nodes/nets within the PCB. 

            This way they already know and are assigned their track widths

            Otherwise, you can basically set up a hotbar of a few different track styles and swap between them at your discretion

            Just open Design Rules, go to Tracks & Vias, and add a Track Width


            From here, you can use the dropdown next to the grid size in the main window to select between your pre-made track widths:


          While tracing, I realized I missed a connection on the Schematic, that I didn’t miss on the LTSpice Simulation. Pin 7 of the 555 connects to the voltage divider. I was worried this would create a big fuss, but it went over pretty well. I reopened the schematic, updated the page settings for an R1. Made the connection, ran the ERC. Then exported the Netlist as R1. Then opened the PCBNEW tool again and loaded the Netlist.

          That action cannot be undone, I was worried it would dump a fresh set of every component onto the PCB, but it didn’t. It just updated the pin/net connections on everything where it stands using the new netlist information

          Older Board Manufacturers could only pick and place, and mill and route on 90 or 45 degree angles, which is why that’s reflected in design software.

          Above 1GHz, there will be signal reflection issues if the trace curves at a 90 degree angle.

          Avoid Acute intersections of copper as well


            The corrosive chemicals used to etch the copper can get caught in acute angles and corrode the board after its finished being manufactured.

            This is called an Acid Trap


            While routing a trace, press V

            Drop the via, and you’ll keep tracing on the underside layer

          Zone Filling / Copper Pour

            A great way to connect all the grounds, and to save the manufacturer time and money, is to fill the board space with copper and just say it’s connected to ground. 


            Draw a box just outside the perimeter of the board. Select the copper layer and the node it will connect to


            It seems like the Zone Fill tool will ignore isolated sections within the PCB that don’t have a ground to connect to. Not everything will be filled, and that seems to be okay.

          Once the board layout is complete, run the DRC again to check for any issues.

          This is your new best friend



            Feel free to add text notes onto your PCB using Silk screen

            Remember the KiCAD visualization lets you see straight through layers, so if you want some text on the backside of the board, you have to mirror it in options so it appears properly after fab

            If you want to add text in copper, but you’ve already added the fill zones, just press B at any time to recalculate the fill zones


        EP 8 – Generate Gebers and Order Boards



          Gerber is the name of a corp that made a vector photo file format. Those are similar to PCB manufactureres, so they took it.

          One gerber file for each layer of your board, incl. non copper layers

          Go to the board house website and find the page for generating gerber files.

          Just like the board design rules setup and net classes, you have to check and uncheck whatever boxes they ask you for.

          Generate the gerbers for the requested layers and the drill file. Save your PCB and close out.

          Next is to open GerbView and verify that the gerber files exported correctly and they look all good before sending out to fab

          The sequence in which you open the Gerbers seems to matter, but I’m pretty sure you can just rearrange the layers after loading anyway.

            Drill Hits

            Edge Cuts

            F Silk

            F Mask

            F Copper

            B Silk

            B Mask

            B Copper

          The Solder Mask layer shows what areas will be EXCLUDED from the solder mask. Specifically, creating the annular ring around your drill holes:


          Verify that the top side looks good, then check the bottom side

        EP 9 – Generate BOM and Order Parts


          BOM is what separates the pros. It’s really good design documentation and makes it 1000x easier to replicate. Take your time on it every time.

          There are a lot of BOM Generating Plugins for KiCAD. Maybe take a look around and see what you like

          Open the schematic and Tools > Generate Bill of Materials


          Use bom2grouped_csv


          Finished Bill of Materials should look something like this


          Some notes

            I already have everything here except for the battery, the battery holder, and the switch

            I’m having trouble finding the battery holder somewhere that isn’t digikey.

            I don’t have the time at the moment to check the amazon substitutes against what I was expecting

            I might have to come up with a bigger cart to justify making a purchase on digikey

            I already have the EG1218 switches, or at least a dimensional equivalent. They’re discontinued though.

            This might be a good time to purchase some sample LED strips for the new mega lights, and maybe some other stuff too.

            It’s like going to the grocery store, you just pick more stuff up that you weren’t looking for since you’re already there.

            After doing some research on the LED Strips, so I could fit them into a Digikey cart, I decided that I would need 5m strips, and digikey only has the ones I’m looking for in 1m segments. So I’m skipping the digikey order entirely and just finding an Amazon Alternative


            After some digging, I found a CR2032 coin cell holder on amazon that seems to have the same general profile as the BS-7 I was looking for. The description said the leads are 20mm apart, so I opened KiCAD and confirmed that the drill hits for the two terminals of the BS-7 are 20mm apart. So that one is good to order. The only issue is, I’m going to get like, 10 of them in the mail now. So I’m also going to order a back of CR2032 cells, since I’m going to have to use at least three batteries to assemble all the boards. 

            It will also be nice to have some extra batteries, since buying them is super expensive at the store when you only need one or two

            Placed the Order for the batteries and battery holders.

            I’m pretty sure I have enough 555s for the three badges. Double checking that and 2N3904

              I’ve got 8 555’s on hand.

            I also tested the breadboard circuit with a 2N2222 and the performance seems identical, despite LTSpice claiming there was a notable difference in LED current.

        EP 10 – Solder Components to the PCB



        2/14/2022 – PCBs Ordered


    FesZ intro to LTSpice


    Tutorial Sites





      Practice Problems for Hardware Engineers.pdf








    Art of Electronics


    Automate Boring Stuff with Python


    C++ for Embedded Systems


    3D Printing Dive


    FreeCAD Tutorials


  General Project Timeline


    Watch Power Supply Design Series


    Follow Tutorials to LTSpice


    Follow Tutorials to KiCAD


    Apply Tutorial Knowledge to Power Supply Design Series


    Creating a working Simulation of the Power Supply


    Create a presentable Schematic of the Power Supply


    Design a PCB for the Power Supply and Place an Order at JLCPCB


    Order Parts for the PCB


    Design an Enclosure for the Power Supply and Print it


    Assemble and Personalize the completed Power Supply

  Other Ideas

    Put Megadesk in Minecraft

    MQTT home server to minecraft

    Weather station for Breadnet

    Fried Cricket Chips

    Chip warming bowl for chips and salsa

    VR Safety Training Videos

    Water Cooled Bluetooth Plasma Speaker

    Give the Synth out for Xmas

    Desk mounted soldering station

    Turner Cube mount spinner


  LED Strip Research / Breadnet Project

    Lab stuff, I have been kind of avoidant and dreading diving into the power supply. I feel like I don’t have enough time to get through the whole power supply series in just 2 weeks. Along with the Synth that I added on. If the Synth gives me as much trouble in layout as it did in Spice then I’m going to have an issue.

    And if the Power Supply gives me as much trouble in either Spice or Layout as the Synth did in Spice, then I’m going to have another big issue. So I’m just generally not looking forward to getting started very much, so I spent a day researching some other stuff. Printer Upgrades, Desk Upgrades, Anti-Static for my chair, etc.


      Parts will cost around $300

      These aluminum channels are super expensive, so it’s in my best interest to go find the spares, if I didn’t throw them away.

      But honestly, they looked super shoddy being constructed out of 1m segments

      I might just drop the extra cash to get them 2m

      Ideally, I would just buy 4 x 2m LED Strips, but that doesn’t seem to be an option

      Even if I bought 7m at $18/m, that’s still $126, and then they look super shoddy and patchworked together. On top of multiple 10mm deadzones from adapters connecting together.

      It looks like on two separate cases I’m spending an extra $50 just to make it look prettier


    Comparison Video



      Power Consumption



        Idle 0 LED

        Single Channel per LED

        RGB Channel Per LED

        Single Channel, ALL 150 LED

        RGB Channel, ALL 150 LED

        PURE WHITE, ALL 150









      Looking at the SK6812, as they are the only strip with a white pixel

      Adafruit RGB Strip Product List


      Checking the data sheet, it looks like they have a max refresh rate of 30Hz


      Purchase Links



      Adafruit is the only reliable vendor for the SK6812 strips.

      I’m looking at the black flex PCB with the minimal silicone sleeve. The 30/m strips run about $18/m. I am not sure how many meters I need though

    Desk is divided into Upper Desk and Lower Desk

    Both Desks have two aluminum rails, and LED Strips go on the out-facing sides for both rails for both desks, so four strips in total

    Upper Desk Rail Length: 1.95m

    Lower Desk Rail Length: 1.46m

    Total Length to Cover: 6.82m

    SK6812-RGBW’s are only in stock in 1m and 5m variants. I’ll need 2x5m

    Project Steps

      This whole thing should probably be a part of a larger project of setting up the Smart Home in earnest.

      Which would involve me learning more optimal MQTT, Learning the ins and outs of Node-RED and HASS. Connecting my 3D Printer to the Breadnet

      Some Security Oriented work

      And then setting up a logging database like a weather station that can be repurposed into crickets in the future

      Also includes ESP32 Over-The-Air Updates

      Also Includes the Python GUI project for the mega lights


        MQTT Dive

        Node-RED Dive

        HASS Dive

        Weather Station

        Mega Lights

        Mega Lights GUI

        ESP32 OTA Updates


        Network Security

        ESP32 Low Power Deployment

      Sounds like about 1 full month’s worth of work. So I’ll save that for later, after I’ve finished the 6 month to FPGA bootcamp


      I’m thinking I’ll have all the wires on the right hand side of the desk.

      From the front-lower strip, I’ll run a mesh cable sleeve like the one I used on the 3D printer along the underside, collecting the back-lower strip, and then running down the underside of the inner leg.

      For the upper strips, I’ll also have the cables connect on the right hand side, going from front to back 

      From there, I’ll have the lower desk mesh sleeve run back up and meet up with the upper desk sleeve, and connect them using a Y-adapter into one mesh sleeve.

      Then I’ll run that Mesh Sleeve to the PSU/uC combo.

      To minimize cable management, it seems like it would be best to keep the Power Lines and the Data Lines terminal in the same location, so the ESP32 and the PSU are going to have to be in the same place

    Power Consumption

      30 LEDs/m


      204.6 LEDs


      204.6 LEDs x 0.148 W/LED = 30.3W

      30.3W @ 5V = 6.1A

      Conclusion: Get a 5V/12A PSU 


      I’m thinking about mounting the power supply on the underside of the upper desk on the right hand side, but I’m not sure that’s the smartest approach.

      If I’m using a ESP32, The input voltage should be 3.3V-3.6V, but it has a regulator to handle 5V, or up to 6.5V I think.

      The input output pins are NOT 5 Volt tolerant.

      I think the safest approach would actually be to use the 2nd buck converter from the pack of 2 I bought for the 3D Printer, and set that to ~3.5V so the ESP has a buffer and a layer of extra regulation. Is that how power supplies work? Not sure. But I’m pretty sure that’s safer than powering the ESP32 directly from the PSU.

      So if I’m putting an ESP32 and a PSU and a Buck Converter all in the same place, it wouldn’t be very convenient or elegant to mount all that on the underside of a piece of wood 4 feet off the ground. 

      I’m thinking the best option would actually be to run both cable mesh sleeves down to the floor and then just fashion an enclosure for the 3 Devices.

      In that case, it would be simple enough to print an enclosure for everything.

      Dimensions of the PSU are approximately that of Carl Jung’s Man and His Symbols

        6″x4″x2″ roughly

        6.26″ x 3.86″ x 1.65″ exact 

      Putting it in a 3D Printed Enclosure on the floor would also allow me to skip the whole Y adapted Cable Mesh Sleeve Problem as well.

      This would also be a good opportunity to put my modeling and printing skills to good use in an electronics project for the first time

    System Scheme

      4 RGB LED Strips

        Power Connection to PSU

          PSU Powered From Desk Power Grid

        Data Connection to ESP32

          Look into OTA Uploads for ESP32?

          ESP32 using NeoPixel Library

          Connected to Breadnet via MQTT

            MQTT hosted via RPi using HASS

          ESP32 receives commands over Breadnet-MQTT via a Python Desktop GUI


      There are also RGB LED Strips specifically for PCs that can plug into slots on the MOBO, if that’s an angle I want to take. I kind of like it how it is now though.

      If I’m going to put any more money into the PC, it’d be for a Noctua Intake/Exhaust Fan since there’s no net airflow betwen the PC and the room


    Future Upgrades

      Eventually, I could replace the PSU with a 5V 12A one that I designed myself, but I’m not sure how far away that could be.

      I’m also thinking about trying to sync it with keyboard presses or with audio

      At minimum though, I want to create patterns that can be called at the press of a button off of the GUI

      Ideally, I’d have individual control over the LEDs, which would mean the GUI would have a visual representation of each LED’s current status. From there, I could select an individual LED and set its color


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