Eater 6502
Project Scope
- 6502 Processor-based breadboard computer made via Kit and Youtube tutorials by Ben eater
- Assembly language programming learned from internet and trial and error, specifically on 6502 hobby sites
- Understanding and recreating I2C Serial Communication Protocal from scratch at a hardware level
- Integrating knowledge of electrical systems at different levels of abstraction to create a versatile device and a robust clock program
Design Objectives
- Get the 6502 to interface with I2C devices
- Write a protocol in Assembly that accounts for the clock speed and hardware restrictions that allows the 6502 to cleanly collect data from an RTC module through I2C, and then pass that info onto an LCD
- Turn the whole thing into a wall clock, and see how precisely/accurately the time can be displayed with a 1MHz Crystal
- Build out my own RTC Module and replace the storebought one

Updates & Documentation
Project Status
- 7/15 - Installed RAM Chip, got custom text to display
- 7/28 - Started fiddling with non-hardcoded messages, loops, interrupts, etc.
- 8/20 - Project reopened after MEGADESK freeze
- 8/29 - Rebuilt Assembly Code from scratch for better understanding
Handmade Overpowered Clock
Assembly takes hours and hours and whatever you write is Hardware Specific

The only thing on this planet that could have possibly inspired me to write assembly code

6502 Breadboard Computer
Even though it was a kit, it still took hours of hard thinking and troubleshooting

The NES uses the 6502 Processor
I could play Mario on this breadboard but a clock is fine with me

RTC (Real Time Clock) Module
Takes a little battery, keeps track of the date and time. I'll make my own later.