Engineering Projects

Last Updated 6/19/2024


[AOE] – Art of Electronics 100%

Objective: Read this book cover to cover as slowly and as thoroughly as possible so that I understand every bit. Then use it as a reference for the rest of my career. 1165 pages total. This is not a speedrun.

Current Page

[RAT] – Rat Rig

Idea: I want to build a 500mm Rat Rig super printer. Should cost around $3500.

[NVS] – Neon Vision Signs

Objective: Build a business based on selling Custom 3D Printed LED Neon Signs. Now with Website

[FPGA] – FPGA Bootcamp

Objective: Studying coding, digital design, verilog, and FPGA programming + Practice Projects

Future Project ideas

[MPO] – Mario Party Online

Idea: Build a mario party type game engine in Unity that can handle modular packs of custom minigames and custom maps

[YBR] – YouBionic Robot

Idea: I am going to build the YouBionic Robot using a ton of 3D Printed Parts and Servos

[UBB] – Used Battery Bank

Idea: Build a rechargeable battery system that can absorb the last bits of juice out of old disposable batteries, and keep a running total

[CRAB] – Ridable Crab Mech

Idea: Build increasingly large crab-type robots until I have a mech large enough to ride in

[MOON] – Moonshot Rocket

Idea: Launch a rocket at the moon

[PIG] – Pi Cruncher Unity Game

Idea: Unity Game where you compete to memorize & speedrun Pi with custom chunking. Pixel art, chiptunes, Anime girls, etc.

[BNM] – Breadnet Macropad

Idea: Breadnet Macropad to substitute/complement the Web UI of Node-RED

[BPS] – Bluetooth Plasma Speaker

Idea: Build a Plasma Speaker, then build a Bluetooth Speaker, then put the two together

Past Projects - 2022

[SDO] – Site Design MiniOverhaul

Objective: Design a new Project Listing and Post Template for finished posts for the TreeSheets/Biweekly Timeboxing Era. Reformat the home page and the projects page. Update projects page with this year’s work so far.

[MKB] – Matcha Keyboard

Objective: Build a Redox mechanical keyboard to replace my old one and explore the craft

[ML2] – Mega Lights 2

Objective: Mount addressable LED strips to Megadesk and then design a power+control to get the system onto Breadnet

[BN4] – Breadnet IV

Objective: Build a Node-RED/MQTT system that is well documented and create a generic ESP32 script for quick connection

[NT] – MFOS Noise Toaster

Objective: Design and Build an Analog Synthesizer PCB & Enclosure based on MFOS designs

Past Projects - 2021

Salvage the JGMagic

I basically rebuilt the entire printer from inside the hull. Modded everything I could find. Learned a lot.

 Cricket Colony

Automated Cricket Breeding Chamber. Got thermals and humidity remotely monitored and controlled + Video feed. Initial Colony died due to poor ventilation. Needs a better backend to continue.

Breadnet 3

Old IoT Network. Powered by a Pi4, Node-RED, Mosquitto, and ESP8266. It’s better now.

 nChan Lab Notebook

A lab notebook written with PyFlask/Jinja in futaba format. Replaced by TreeSheets. Try TreeSheets!

Eater’s 6502

I built Ben Eater’s 6502 breadboard computer.


Massive desk I handmade out of MDF. It’s a recreation of a desk I had years ago based on old designs I recently got ahold of. 8 feet wide, 4 feet deep, 2 surfaces.


Combined Digital-Theremin and Plasma-Theremin. Made for EE Capstone Project.


An integrated portable IoT and Circuit prototyping station with electronically controlled GFCI outlets, WiFi-enabled Arduino Master/Slaves, Modular DC PSU, Raspberry Pi, storage space, and fun rainbow lights. Precursor to Breadnet


Fast Paced Technicolor Arcade Shooter. Written in PyGame in 2015.